Chris MillerDecember 19, 20211880s, 1920s, W.H. Chow, Chinatown, 1910s, Edward Stanley Mitton, Mixed Yue Shan Society Buildings Chris MillerDecember 19, 20211880s, 1920s, W.H. Chow, Chinatown, 1910s, Edward Stanley Mitton, Mixed
Chris MillerApril 10, 20201880s, N.S. Hoffar, Downtown, Commercial Yale Hotel Chris MillerApril 10, 20201880s, N.S. Hoffar, Downtown, Commercial
Chris MillerNovember 06, 20181880s, N.S. Hoffar, R.H. Bracken, Acton Ostry, 1900s, Emil Guenther, Salient Group, Evoke ID, Donald Luxton, Gastown, Mixed The Grand Hotel and The Terminus Chris MillerNovember 06, 20181880s, N.S. Hoffar, R.H. Bracken, Acton Ostry, 1900s, Emil Guenther, Salient Group, Evoke ID, Donald Luxton, Gastown, Mixed
Chris MillerJanuary 30, 20171880s, Elmer H. Fisher, Acton Ostry, Salient Group, Donald Luxton, Gastown, Commercial Byrnes Block/Alhambra Hotel Chris MillerJanuary 30, 20171880s, Elmer H. Fisher, Acton Ostry, Salient Group, Donald Luxton, Gastown, Commercial
Chris MillerOctober 25, 20161880s, T.E. Julian, Francl Architecture, Robert Lemon, Donald Luxton, office of mcfarlane green biggar, office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers, Michael Green Architecture, Chinatown, Commercial, 1900s Wing Sang Building Chris MillerOctober 25, 20161880s, T.E. Julian, Francl Architecture, Robert Lemon, Donald Luxton, office of mcfarlane green biggar, office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers, Michael Green Architecture, Chinatown, Commercial, 1900s