Chris MillerApril 26, 20182000s, Arthur Erickson, Architectura, UBC, Academic Liu Centre for the Study of Global Issues Chris MillerApril 26, 20182000s, Arthur Erickson, Architectura, UBC, Academic
Chris MillerJuly 24, 20171920s, 1990s, Somervell & Putnam, Architectura, Allied Holdings, Downtown, Commercial Bank of Toronto/Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue Chris MillerJuly 24, 20171920s, 1990s, Somervell & Putnam, Architectura, Allied Holdings, Downtown, Commercial
Chris MillerFebruary 02, 20171920s, McCarter Nairne and Partners, Downtown, Mixed, Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Partnership, Aitken Wreglesworth Associates, Architectura Spencer's Department Store Chris MillerFebruary 02, 20171920s, McCarter Nairne and Partners, Downtown, Mixed, Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Partnership, Aitken Wreglesworth Associates, Architectura